Monday, January 5, 2009

This Time Around

Will Young - Changes

To me, the new Gregorian year starts on my birthday, which falls today . The song above is my anthem for this year's birthday. It conveys the feeling that I failed to express properly in writings.

10 years ago on this day, my boyfriend flew back from US to surprise me on my birthday. Back then I was young, happy in a relationship and healthy. However, my now ex-boyfriend is married to someone else and blessed with 2 daughters. I on the other hand, still young :P and diagnosed with a rare,chronic nerve disease that I've never heard of before. Relationship-wise, I put it positively, haven't been picked, yet.

And I will never ever forget 2008. It was quite an eventful year. Within 1 year, I was hospitalized twice, went through an open heart surgery, experiencing a painful chest tube (and an enjoyable narcotics along the way..teehee), a much more painful Anesthesia Awareness, and saw 2 people (a Code Blue situation on one of them) die while in the hospital. (p/s I know, I’ve promised some of you to blog about this, sabar yea :D)

Therefore, I'm very much grateful and thankful to Allah The Almighty for letting me live through another year. Once again, Alhamdulillah.


Ney Joe said...

aku ada tebaca pekataan besday tadi. besday kah?? hepi besday.

Sang Hidup di Dunia said...

Selamat Ulangtahun bu.. :D


Temi said...

ney: yes besday.skang hang dah tau, wajib belanja aku makan!

ayu kelopak: thanx my friend, lebiutuuuuu..muahhss cupp capp

.l.a.d.y.i.r.m.a. said...

MetUltah....forever young... muahaha

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday...!!

HipHopLess said...

Happy Birthday!!! Alhamdulillah :)