Monday, January 17, 2011

Wisdom From 2 Women


Not too long ago, I bumped into an old friend, S at a supermarket. It was shocking to hear that she had just got divorced. Before this, she was all lovey-dovey with her ex-husband. Even though she and her ex-husband had known each other for 4 years before they were married, they realized that they were not made for each other only after 5 years of marriage. S said she regrets that she got married rather hastily because back then she was so afraid she wouldn't find another man if she didn't marry her ex. Nevertheless, S seemed so positive with her future, she already moved on. She also advised me to be strong, to be careful in making choices, and most importantly, to be grateful with what I have.

2. El

My cousin El broke off her engagement. I am amazed by El because she doesn't struck me as rebellious and brave. Her former fiance wasn't mature enough to get married. She told me that she'd rather bear the embarrassment of broken engagement than a broken marriage. El is optimistic too, she knows that Allah has better plans for her.

Life is about trusting our feelings & taking chances, losing & finding happiness, appreciating the memories & learning from the past.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Another year has gone by, I am thankful that I'm still alive. Alhamdulillah.

Though feeling a little bit melancholic, I'm trying not to be a negative person. What could be worse than turning 31 right? It's just another year.

Besides, I believe in this quote “Life may not be the party you hoped for but while we are here, we should dance”

In 2010, I learned a few life lessons. But it's too personal for me to blog about it in details.

For this year's resolutions, I will try not to let ego gets the best of me. I will admit when I'm wrong. You should do that too. Thus, I will be more forgiving. I won't simply shut people out from my life just because they hurt my feelings. Nobody's perfect, including me. Even if people disappoint me, I will be more patient. I will never expect them to change overnight. I will learn to accept people just the way they are. If they continue to disappoint me, I will ignore them for a while. Heh.

I will try to be more appreciative of people. I will build more bridge, not create walls around me. I hope this year I won't get “older but not wiser” sentiment anymore.

So yeah, Happy Birthday to me.