Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Another year has gone by, I am thankful that I'm still alive. Alhamdulillah.

Though feeling a little bit melancholic, I'm trying not to be a negative person. What could be worse than turning 31 right? It's just another year.

Besides, I believe in this quote “Life may not be the party you hoped for but while we are here, we should dance”

In 2010, I learned a few life lessons. But it's too personal for me to blog about it in details.

For this year's resolutions, I will try not to let ego gets the best of me. I will admit when I'm wrong. You should do that too. Thus, I will be more forgiving. I won't simply shut people out from my life just because they hurt my feelings. Nobody's perfect, including me. Even if people disappoint me, I will be more patient. I will never expect them to change overnight. I will learn to accept people just the way they are. If they continue to disappoint me, I will ignore them for a while. Heh.

I will try to be more appreciative of people. I will build more bridge, not create walls around me. I hope this year I won't get “older but not wiser” sentiment anymore.

So yeah, Happy Birthday to me.


MasZuber said...

happy born-day!

@yU said...

akak check my blog. :)

nway, happy birthday to you!

semoga diberi kesihatan yang bertambah-tambah baik, dimurahkan rezeki, dilapangkan dada, dikuatkan iman, dicekalkan hati, dan dilindungi dari perbuatan keji dan mungkar.


Anonymous said...

Happy Besday Akak..May Allah bless u...xsabar nk jumpa akak...semoga tahun ini memberi seribu keinsafan dan kebahagiaan dlm diri kita...

Sang Hidup di Dunia said...

met ultah kakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :D :D *smooch*

uncle said...

Happy birthday to you,kakak ayu.

Rezqi from Allah comes in many forms.

"Allah knows what you do not know"

when writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.

Keep praying & Keep Fighting!

All the best!

Along said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday kakak! ^^