Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kids Nowadays

Mitot is my neighour's 5 years old granddaughter. She's half malay, half chinese and sooooo adorably cute. Pinching her chubby cheeks is unavoidable. Moreover, she speaks flawless English, it makes me want to weep. Perplexingly, she refused to speak in Malay. When I spoke in Malay to her, she replied back in English.


During a recent kenduri at my neighbour's house, Mitot's daddy spoke to her, “Mummy and I want to go home. Go call Bibik.”

And then Mitot's confidently said...

“Bibik, yuk ayuh pulang!”

Flawlessly, too...hahahahhahaa


Sang Hidup di Dunia said...

ahahah ya ampunnnn.. nak jumpe mitot! hohohoh

Anonymous said...

budak zaman sekarang... gitu lerrr lagak nye!
pandai sesuai kan diri dgn pelbagai keadaan... teringat pulak kat sarah!

Sir Pök Déng said...

hahaha!! Budak-budak memang jenis 'get-into' punya perangai.

Anonymous said...

comel gileeeee!!
haih mesti kiut je suara dia.

Hammam Mustafar said...

haha mitot2.. aku colek kang haha

Royalshoppingarcade said...

la...cute sgt! sure mulut nya yg comel mongel tu keluarkan suara yg cute jugak..geram nya..