Thursday, April 2, 2009

Gloomy Is Not My Middle Name

A friend from college had complained that she's tired reading the gloomy stuff that I wrote in this blog. Yeah, I guess she’s right. Any strangers who came across this blog would think that I'm full of melancholy. Huhuhu...

The problem is that I blog when I'm feeling down. Hence, the gloomy entry. Sorry, Zaa hehe

Some of you might asked, What ever happened to the promised entry that I spoke of before?

The truth is, I'm stuck half-way. Zaa, I know you had asked me to share that half-written part so that I'll have the motivation to continue my story. But I dunnolaa..

So anyway, I'm thinking joining my house mate's swimming class. But a fully-covered swimming attire is so freaking expensive!

I have a new hobby that requires sewing. I'm loving it!

And I think chic-lit is a genre that discriminating certain type of women. The protagonist will always be the one with great job and good look. So far I never read about a 5-pounds overweight account clerk who lives with a senile grandmother as the main heroine. Tsk tsk. Maybe I'm too cynical, too bored with cliches but enough of chic-lit. Switching back to murder/mystery fictions.

It's raining heavily outside and the winds are so strong. They made a spooky sound that you could always hear in horror movies. So cool!

I'm off for now. Be good people.

1 comment:

Sir Pök Déng said...

You should write stories that don't have too much holes here and there for stupid people like us to comprehend.

P/s: Pok Deng has a small brain.