Friday, October 22, 2010


Old story. But I suddenly got the urge to blog about it.

Last year, when I was admitted at Serd@ng Hospital, I had to undergo a MRI scan. So, as you all know, once the MRI scan begins, you're not allowed to move since this can affect the quality of the image. As the nurses strapped down my body (including my head) I started to feel nervous. Then, the MRI technician gave a panic button and told me this procedure will took around 45 minutes. I started to shiver. Slowly, the MRI bed went inside the tunnel. I didn't know why but suddenly I feel nauseated and I couldn't breath. I started screaming and totally forgot about the panic button.

The MRI bed came out from that small torturous tunnel and the nurses came rushing to me. They comforted me and rubbed my back and I almost puke. I think I spoke nonsense. After a few minutes, I calmed down. I apologized to the nurses and the technician.

“It's okay, you didn't tell me that you're claustrophobic” the technician said.

I was so shocked. I myself didn't even know that I'm claustrophobic. How could that be?
I noticed that I cannot be in a small, confined place after that incident. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable being in a fitting room. This never happened before. I really don't know why.

Anyway, the hospital rescheduled my MRI scan and I was given an injection that made me sleep during the second scan.


f a r i n a said...

just the thot of doing MRI gives me the creeps. I guess I am clausthrophobic too, lets just hope I wont have to find out the way you did. Anyway, you did well!!
And thanks for the info that if I ever need to go for MRI, i could always take that injection!

@yU said...

mak saya pun kecut perut habis masa buat MRI. dia cakap rase cam dalam kubur pun ada.

BonekadalamChermin said...


pernah juga melalui detik2 kena xray.
after accident that affect my tulang belakang. tp x smpai kena MRI.

paling ingat kena tengking dgn nurse:

wah. ckp baik2 x boleh ke. sy gigil sbb sejuk sgt. lgpun sy sakit. sedeh~

MasZuber said...

masa itu saya tak kenal lagi akak..

mesti sgt tough kan masa itu..

Ummu Auni said...

memang tak best pun masuk MRI machine tu. i slept the second time i went into it.