Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dear Comot

Dia mahu jadi penanam kobis suatu hari nanti

Even though you’re younger than us, and we bullied you a lot, (well, most of the time Shamam bullies you a lot) we actually love you and care about you so much. Personally, I think highly of you because you’re such an independent person and having lost both of your parents at young age, you survived this life. Therefore on your birthday, I pray to Allah that you will be granted all the hapiness in the world. Thank you for your support, you’ve become one of the most important people in my life. Whatever happens, be strong and remember, you have us!

Happy 17th Birthday!

Tips to stay younger like me: minus 10 years from your birthday hahah

I’ll see you tonight, eh? ;)


Max J. Potter said...

kool header, mate. kool header. haha.

hey. i love kobis goreng. my mum makes the best of it. heh.

and you've got good writings around.

keep blogging!

budak comot said...

enot........ love you.

akan ku jadi penanam kobis nnt kalu dpt beli tanah di dieng