Thursday, August 21, 2008

Beneath The Magical Fireworks, I Bid My Goodbye

For a while I thought what I felt was real. Truth be told, it wasn't. Everything was just so wrong even at the beginning. If there was some tinge of hope, it would still be unfair to everyone, especially me. I deserve so much better than this.

The temptation was still strong, but it's my dignity that I want to keep intact. I might be hurting right now but thinking about the consequences of my action does help a little bit. I consult no one but my own logic. Thus, came the painful decision with no regret.

I've decided to walk away. There was a moment of hesitation, like “What the heck am I doing?”. However, I didn't let myself be consumed by my irrational emotions. There is no turning back because it's for the best. Long ago, I made a vow not to be emotionally-dependent to anyone.

Bruised and vulnerable, my heart bleeds oh so painfully. But I still deserve a pat on the back because I did not shed any single tears!


Ney Joe said...

after last nite,i`m ready now.

Anonymous said...

mmm apakah?
